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Programmatic Advertising in BFSI sector


In recent years, the financial sector has opened up to the digital part of
advertising. With businesses going online and new technologies opening up
doors for peer-to-peer lending applications, customers are also provided
with a new view to finance business. The next step for established
businesses to inhibit what they know of their customers is to market
personalized financial products and services. Finance is a delicate
subject, and the industry is yet to take advantage of the opportunity
offered by data-driven advertising.

IAB accounts financial sector to spending over 7.19 billion on display
advertising in the year 2015. This reflects a massive development in the
industry, two out of five US financial institutions are now willing to move
20-40% of their offline advertising budget to digital in the coming years.
As, advertising digitalizes, financial institutes are also adapting to the
digital way of advertising. A study recently revealed that a majority of
larger financial organizations (with over 500 employees) have already
diverted 20-40% of their spending in programmatic display advertising.

Understanding Your Audience:-
Any form of advertising first requires you to know your target audience.
Programmatic helps you in giving an insight into what a potential customer
may attribute to. For instance, for a typical online borrower/credit
applicant for a credit card or loan application, your target audience may
look like-

• Likely to be young, professional living in a big city.

• Twice more likely to have a graduate degree.

• Twice more likely to be in the top income bracket.

• Who often searches for an international travel destination and fine

• Frequent purchases on retail sites, travel booking or searching for

If a financial brand has three different credit card services, on the first
look all three credit cards may seem similar products with similar
audiences, but in reality, each product has its own set of audiences, which
may differ from each other. Understanding audience to the niche helps in
providing a relevant product with personalized advertising.

Another part of understanding your audience involves knowing where your
audiences are. Mobile phones are on the rise ever since their emergence. A
study reveals, 51% of large financial brands are receiving over 41% of
their total web traffic from mobile devices. This gives the advertisers a
direction to where the campaigns have more leverage to customers, in this
case, it being mobile phones.

Financial experts and campaign managers reveal that it takes on an average
23 days since the first ad seen for a viewer to convert. They also say
mobile devices generate more traffic on weekends while during weekdays the
desktop ads receive more traction. This raises questions for the
advertisers like, how to manage all the variables in the digital media
plan? How to follow and make the best use of the past online behaviours of
your viewers in ad display and how to make choices between platforms, and
retargeting opportunities in the 23 days period. This overwhelming
condition can be solved with the implementation of Programmatic strategies.

Leveraging Programmatic Technology:-

Programmatic Advertising gives advertisers an opportunity to automate the
purchase and delivery of ads to consumers through ad exchanges, which are
capable of serving hyper-targeted advertisement. This process is also more
enhanced and assures efficiency and effectiveness by minimizing human
intervention. The ads are delivered to consumers at the right time, on
right devices and for the right products.

Unlike traditional advertising, Programmatic advertising enables targeting
based on the browsing behaviours and interest of the users. They crunch up
the data collected and provides you with effective ad displaying to
potential customers with precise messages. Understanding and following the
path the user is taking, keywords he is searching for and other browsing
behaviours help us to get to know the intent of the user and gives a fine
hint into what can push the user to conversion.

BFSI is the industry where account-holders, i.e. the customers stay loyal
to the institutes for years to go. To build such kind of long term
relationship, it is necessary to connect with your customer. This is
achieved through a steady engagement process starting from the initial
awareness building up to the final action. Programmatic is the easiest and
safest option for providing a sequential procedure to maximize your reach
throughout your sales funnel.

Prioritizing Your Budget:-

The target areas for advertising in any financial markets include the

• Growing their Customer Base

• Retaining Customers

• Driving Conversions

• Influencing sales funnel

• A rise in the number of Site Visits

• Branding.

Prioritizing amongst these targets is how the budgets for each campaign are
decided. For most of the financial services, marketers allocate more of
their digital budgets to prospecting (i.e. bringing in new customers to
their site) compared to retargeting (driving conversions from site

Influencing the sales funnel is not the only objective. To 90% of the
financial marketers, branding plays a more important role in their
advertising budgets. Generating brand awareness for key target audiences
even before they are seeking your products or services can build a strong
brand affinity. With the right kind of message, it is easier to influence
marketers from the initial stage of Awareness to Consideration and finally
to Conversion.

Niche Targeting with Programmatic:-

Programmatic advertising provides you with various targeting options,
implementing which advertisers get to set their target audience and create
ad creatives which may influence the potential audiences into conversion.
Tracking your audiences’ browsing behaviour provides a very perspective
insight which aids in providing personalized ads to get audiences to
convert. This tracking is only possible by installing tags or cookies in
the marketer’s websites to study the path visitors are taking before
exiting from the site.

But, in the financial services market, privacy is even more of a fragile
matter than in other markets. The data a financial website holds is the
subject of concern for many. And consumers may promptly withdraw from the
brand if the privacy is hindered in any form. Thus, marketers need to
ensure the data of their customers stay secure.

Financial marketers will definitely benefit from the programmatic
technologies, which provide real-time changes according to the behaviour of
the audiences. Consumer engagement with mobile devices is only increasing,
so while it has been difficult for financial marketers to formulate a
strategy for mobile advertising, investing in programmatic will provide
them with the aids for the complete campaign with financial institutes.
While they have vast access to customer data, it is crucial on how they are
using the data to identify the prospects and creating models for new
audiences and strategizing on personalized ad creatives.

Programmatic provides a platform which has a solution to all your
advertising queries. Financial marketers can approach their audiences on
all their digital devices with the help of cross-device targeting. The Data
Management Platforms provide marketers with data on when their audiences
are most receptive. With a right message at the right time, marketers can
scale up on the consideration set of their audience and usher them through
the sales funnel, resulting in conversion. The ultimate objective for any
and every marketer is to identify his/her potential customers and reach
them, create an impression before their competitors do and increase their
sales with customer relations that stay long for years to come.