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Can Bandersnatch’s ‘Choose-Your-Own Path’ Format be the Future of Advertising?

It is a known fact that today, viewers do not like to be interrupted while
consuming content – be it online or offline. As a result, they have
developed their own ways to block or ignore these advertisements. There is
an increase in on-demand content. Netflix’s much-awaited interactive film,
“Black Mirror: Bandersnatch” might have brought in a novel and an
innovative way and creative way to address the marketers’ needs to reach
their audience. In a recent interaction with AdAge, Ashish Shah (founder
& CEO, Vertoz), along with other industry experts, talks about how this
will affect the digital advertising scenario, especially in programmatic


Ashish says that this format has certainly made a lot of heads turn, and
might be here to stay considering the huge benefits it brings along for the
advertisers. However, since it is the only content available in OTT format
currently, we are yet to see how it actually works out. It might be a bit
early to give an exact opinion on how it will affect the digital
advertising scenario.


The most conspicuous benefit is that it facilitates brands to directly
understand the customers’ preferences, tastes and interests first-hand.
Combining this data with the unique targeting capabilities of programmatic
advertising can certainly play out well for brands. This is the perfect way
for brands to strike a conversation and engage with their consumers.


Moreover, providing an uninterrupted viewing experience to the customers is
required. The interactive aspects of interactive content like
‘choose-your-own’ format ensure that the viewing experience is not


For more details, click here.