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Vertoz Introduces Two New Business Verticals to its Portfolio

New Business
Vertoz is proud to announce the launch of two new business verticals under its belt- Zkraft and PubNX. Along with starting new business ventures Vertoz is also incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to its proprietary programmatic advertising platform- Ingenious Plex.

With the help of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), ZKraft will enable brands to offer highly immersive real-time experiences to increase the customer engagement. With ad tech the core, Vertoz will focus on providing 360 degree digital advertising solutions to brands and agencies.

PubNX will be the new publisher-centric arm of Vertoz. Multi-format out-stream ad units and server-side header bidding are some of the solutions provided by PubNX to help publishers boost their revenue.

Vertoz is incorporating these new verticals in order to ride the unfaltering digital wave and grow along with it. The numbers show that digital advertising is burgeoning and Vertoz plans to leverage this growth. The total advertising expenditure in India stood at INR 60,000 Crore, with digital estimated to be around 18% of the total ad spends. In addition, the global AR and VR markets are estimated to reach $27Bn in 2018 based on a growth rate of 91.4%. By incorporating technologies like AI and ML, Vertoz is strengthening it’s offerings and thus enhancing the performance of it’s programmatic platform.

Ashish Shah, Founder and CEO, Vertoz, says, “We have always strived to better our technology offerings, to ensure the best experience and indeed a great ROI to our customers. By bringing in innovative marketing mediums through the application of AR and VR, and the inclusion of advanced technologies like AI and ML, we are also opening new revenue streams.”
“It is important to stay relevant and remain aligned with the new technologies and the changing industry dynamics in the digital advertising space,” he adds.

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